The Importance of Effective Communication Skills
To me, communication is a crucial process and makes up a big part in every person's life. As social beings, communication is evident in all aspects of our lives. Whether in school, at the workplace, or at home, interaction between others and ourselves are unavoidable in any scenario and are required for the proper conveying of messages, intentions, feelings and information. Communication, however, is not just about two people talking to each other. Effective communication is a dynamic process which involves both verbal and non-verbal interactions between two or more individuals. The speaker has to be able to transmit his message to the receiver well such that the receiver is able to fully grasp what the speaker is saying. The receiver should also provide feedback so that the speaker can assess if the way he communicates is effective. Thus, effective communication goes two ways between the parties involved and is very important in order to avoid any social breakdown, such as misunderstandings and conflicts, and to allow for efficient cycling of information between individuals. When communication fails, social acceptance fails and inter-personal problems arise. One main factor accounting for the breakdown of marriage between two people, for example, is often due to ineffective communication.
The bee makes an interesting example of effective communication. Upon discovering nectar, the bee goes back to its hive and communicates its discovery to other bees by dancing. The intensity and type of dance depends on the distance of the nectar from the hive, and also the quantity available for harvesting. Bees are also able to communicate through smell, by the secretions of hormones called pheromones from their bodies. While the bees use the language of smells and dancing to communicate information to their counterparts, communication is much more complicated for humans. We are exposed to a plentiful array of purposes, audiences and contexts, which causes the messages we need to send to our counterparts to be much more complex as opposed to the bees. Thus, the language we humans speak include both verbal and non-verbal aspects, and in order to communicate effectively, we have to learn how to read others' body languages and to take note of the tone and choice of words we use in conveying our message. To conclude, effective communication is important to me as it allows for the proper interaction between individuals. When one is able to effectively communicate and bring himself across to others, he prevents awkward social situations from unfolding unto himself and presents himself as a confident person who thinks before he speaks. Thus, effective communication not only helps in maintaining successful relationships, it contributes to self-value. When one is able to communicate properly, he is more likely to excel in the fields of his life as he is capable of bringing his point across well (academically, at work, or his private life). Thus, one has better control over his life and can achieve, ultimately, happiness. Therefore, effective communication is an important skill I wish to learn and hold on to for life. I hope to be somebody who can bring her views and thoughts across to others effectively, so that I can strive to be a confident, and happy individual. (:
Reference for information on bees:
hi XiuXian,
ReplyDeleteyou brought up an interesting point about humans having a very complicated communication system.
Being an intelligent species, we have developed many forms of thinking for example religion, language, culture and many more. All these play a very important part in human communication.
However, one will never be able to master communication as there are just too many different individuals be it from different cultures, religions or languages. Even individuals from similar backgrounds would be different as every single persons think and interpret messages differently. Therefore i believe that effective communication is a lifelong social skill that we gain experience while we interact with different persons.
As one of my english teacher always says, at the age of 50, she is still learning english. The same goes to communication skills.
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ReplyDeleteHi Xiuxian, I think you wrote a great and interesting blog! You talked about the importance of effective communication in different aspects of our life,including both social and private life. In all, I enjoy reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteI was impressed by the point "effective communication not only helps in maintaining successful relationships, it contributes to self-value". It shows us what effective communication meams especially to you. I think we all have different purposes in improving our communication skills and yours is very encouraging! To become a competent communicator indeed helps us improve our confidence levels and enjoy life with less miscommunication and more understanding. :)
Hi Xiu Xian..
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting posts! It particularly attracts me in the "bee" part which is so unique.haha.
I also like your points about:"effective communication not only helps in maintaining successful relationships, it contributes to self-value." It is true indeed, especially nowadays, society tends to judge people based on how well they communicate besides their performance.
Another good quote from your post: "one has better control over his life and can achieve, ultimately, happiness". Yes, we are the controller of ourselves. :)
ReplyDeleteA great blog post!
Really enjoyed reading your post.
Your inclusion of the comics really brought life to your post!
Also, great job on relating to the bees in your post.
Hope that you'll be able to achieve your happiness and stay happy!
Interesting observations indeed! You're right that human communication is so much more complex than that any other being that we know exist on earth. The more complex the message the harder it is to convey. In the same way, when we want to convey a difficult message we need to be mindful of so mnay different variables but I gues that's what makes life interesting :))
ReplyDeleteHey Xx!
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you that communication is something that is an important part of our lives. It starts all the way from the day we are born when we have not yet learned to speak. When we are young, people around us would be more forgiving to our failure to bring across our message properly. They may even be more active and patient in trying to interact with us. However, this is not the case when we are now older thus I feel that it is important to polish our communication skills to be successful in life. Failure to communicate well would result in what Xx pointed out, failure in social acceptance and ultimately, interpersonal problems.
Furthermore, now that we are in a globalizing world, there are many people who have very different culture residing here with us. It is important that we are able to be tactful in how we say things in order to maintain a harmonious society.